

bytes_received_totalTotal number of bytes received. This should be keyboard input.
channel_bytes_sent_totalTotal number of bytes sent via a channel by IO type (blocking, non-blocking). This is what the UI and raw modes use to send data to the client. It will be different that the amount of bytes russh itself.
ssh_clients_totalNumber of incoming connections.
ssh_session_errors_totalNumber of non-IO related unhandled errors at the session level.
session_totalNumber of sessions created.
active_sessionsNumber of currently active sessions.
session_duration_minutesDuration of a session in minutes.
unexpected_state_totalNumber of times an unexpected state was encountered. This should only be incremented if there’s a bug.
auth_attempts_totalNumber of authentication attempts by method (publickey, interactive). This can seem inflated because publickey will always be attempted first and interactive will happen at least twice for every success. auth_results_total
auth_attempts_totalNumber of auth responses returned by method and result (accept, partial, reject). Note that this can seem inflated because publickey is always attempted first and provides a rejection before moving onto other methods.
auth_succeeded_totalNumber of fully authn and authz’d users. After this, users can request a PTY.
code_generated_totalNumber of codes generated for users. This is the first half of the interactive mode.
code_checked_totalNumber of codes that have been checked by result (valid, invalid). This is the second half of the interactive mode and it is possible that users retry after getting invalid because of something on the openid provider side.
container_exec_duration_minutesNumber of minutes a raw terminal was running exec’d into a pod.
table_filter_totalNumber of times a table was filtered.
widget_views_totalNumber of times a widget was created by resource (container, pod) and type (cmd, log, yaml, …).
requests_totalNumber of requests that have come in by type (pty, sftp, window_resize).
sftp_active_sessionsTotal number of active sessions currently.
sftp_bytes_totalTotal number of bytes transferred via sftp by direction (read, write).
sftp_files_totalTotal number of files by direction (sent, received).
sftp_stat_totalTotal number of times stat was called on a path.
sftp_list_totalTotal number of times list was called on a path.
channels_totalTotal number of channel actions by method (open_session, direct_tcpip, …).
stream_duration_secondsNumber of seconds a stream was alive by resource and direction.
stream_bytes_totalNumber of bytes transfered by resource, direction and destination.
stream_totalTotal number of streams by resource and direction.
stream_activeCurrently active numberof streams by resource and direction.